• Big Collection Experience

    Frames UI Kit is a huge pack of high fidelity assets to create prototypes and wireframes withh fidelity assets to create prototypes.

    Frames UI Kit is a huge pack of high fidelity assets to create prototypes and wireframes with ease. Consisting from more than 1k elements.
  • The Basics Of Buying A Telescope

    Frames UI Kit is a huge pack of high

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Pan Roasted Hakerui Turnips

This is a great way to bring out the sweetness of these turnips. You can add other seasonings to this base recipie to make them fit with whatever dish you are cooking! 

  •             1 bunch Hakurei turnips, halved lengthwise
  •             2 tsp. oil (whatever your favorite to cook in is)
  •             Salt and pepper
  •             1/2 tablespoon honey
  •             1/2 tablespoon water

Slice your turnips into chips or slice them in half depending on the size you would like them. Just make sure all pieces are similar sizes. 

Toss turnips with cooking oil and salt and pepper, making sure they are well coated. 

Heat a skillet over medium high heat and roast your turnips until golden brown ( typically about ten minutes). 

Combine honey and water together and whisk then pour over turnips in the hot skillet, toss for s few minutes until well glazed and tender. Add additional salt and pepper to taste. 

Feel free to add additional spices to add the flavor to best match your meal, some suggestions are:

  • Cumin, ginger, cinnamon
  • Cayenne, oregano, garlic powder.
  • Dry Mustard and capers.